Monday, September 17, 2012

Big Changes

In the last 6 months we have moved from California to Colorado, I had open heart surgery, Donald retired from the Navy, and started a job working at the sherriff's department in Montrose.  We are happy to be back home in Colorado, I am happy to have a new lead on life, and the kids are settleing into the new routines of school here.  I am trying to stay busy by working on rag quilts, creating on of a kind jewelry, taking photography classes and beautiful pictures,  and duct tape items. 

One thing since the surgery and now having to take Coumadin for the rest of my life, I noticed how I am cold all the time.  I litteraly will sit in the sun to warm up.  Or if there is now sun, I grab my little space heater, trun it on and sit infront of it to get warm.  And this is in 100 degree weather!

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